Archive for November 2013

Minggu, 17 November 2013
Tips & Trik:
Mengontrol cuaca.
Setelah save, periksa cuaca untuk keesokan hari. Kalau ramalan cuma mengatakan stormy (=berbadai atau hujan lebat), bersalju, atau badai salju, ambil diary dan reload game kamu. Periksa cuaca lagi, dan biasanya ramalan cuaca kali ini akan berbeda. Lakukan terus sampai mendapat cuaca yang kamu inginkan.

Cara ini terutama berguna pada saat kamu ingin menghindari badai salju, memindahkan ternak ke dalam atau mengupgrade water can.

Kamu tidak perlu selalu membawa keranjang dalam tasmu, kamu bisa memuatnya dengan melempar isinya dari jarak tertentu (sekitar 3 petak).

Relaxation Tea Leaves (Daun Teh untuk Relaksasi)
Antara jam 2.00 PM-4.00 PM di musim semi kunjungi rumah harvest sprite, berikan hadiah pada semuanya. Sprites akan mengundangmu ke acara minum teh dan kamu akan mendapat daun teh yang berharga itu. Item ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk memenangkan lomba masak.

Dog Ball
Harganya murah dan Won akan menjualnya lagi kalau kamu kehilangan bolamu. Tapi biar lebih hemat jangan main di dalam rumah karena pasti bolamu akan hilang. Dog ball juga akan hilang bila ditaruh di luar rumah beberapa hari. Paling baik simpan dalam lemari.

Kamu tidak perlu tidur sebanyak waktu normal. Kamu bisa tetap bekerja dan pulang paling telat 5.50 AM dan bangun 6.00 AM.

Spa-Boiled Egg
Kamu bisa merebus telur di Spa. Caranya letakkan di tempat batu-batu yang seperti masuk ke air. Harga telur-telur ini 30 kali lebih mahal dari pada telur biasa, tapi menurunkan harga Golden Egg.

Watering Can yang selalu penuh
Pada musim dingin, gali tambang di pulau yang ada di tengah danau. Gali sampai ketemu gua di dinding Utara, masuk dan isi watering can dengan air dari kolam di dalam. Setelah itu, watering can kamu akan mempunyai air yang tak terbatas.

Tool Upgrade yang cepat
Guanakan tool sampai 400%, tambang Blue Stone dan bawa Blue Stone itu, uang 5000G dan tool yang ingin di-upgrade ke tukang besi. Dia akan bisa mengupgrade alatmu dengan cepat.

Mendapat lebih banyak bijih tambang
Untuk ini kamu memerlukan Harvest Basket dan Final Rucksack. Bawa Harvest Basker ke tambang, letakkan dan mulai menanmbang. Kamu bisa menyimpan bijih galianmu ke Harvest Basket. Bila sudah penuh, hadapkan ke sebuah bin (tempat penyimpanan) dan tekan Kotak. Kalau capek, kamu tinggal menyegarkan diri di Hot Spring Pool (sekitar 1 jam). Ini juga bisa kamu lakukan pada musim dingin.

Mendapatkan kuda lain
Barley akan meminta kembali kudanya. Tapi asalkan kamu punya padang rumput yang bagus (tanam sekitar 30 Grass), kamu akan mendapatkan kuda baru. Kamu TIDAK bisa mempunyai 2 kuda sekaligus.

Perfume/love potion
Kunjungi pantai beberapa kali semalam musim panas. Pada suatu hari kamu akan menemukan botol berisi surat. Kai akan menanyakan apakah kamu ingin menetap di desa. Jawab Yes, dan ia akan mengganti botol itu dengan parfum

Mining for Dollars
Ketika menggali dalam gua, karaktermu akan secara otomatis mengisi benda-benda ke dalam ranselnya

Pada musim gugur, buah apel akan berjatuhan dari pohon. Kamu bisa menghasilkan sesuatu dari apapun yang kamu temukan di tanah dan menjualnya, memakannya, menghadiahkannya atau menyimpan dalam kulkas untuk digunakan nanti.

Ellen’s Pie
Suatu saat, Mayor akan memintamu untuk membawakan Neneknya Elli sebuah pie dari Inn. Penuhi perminataannya. Nenek akan menawarkan tip, tapi tolak penawarannya. Elli kemudian akan muncul dan memberikan sepotong pie (yang dapat kamu berikan ke wanita yang kamu suka). Pada hari berikutnya, Mayor akan muncul di ladangmu dan memberikan sebuah kue yang dapat kamu makan.

Cliff Pingsan
Suatu hari, kamu mungkin menemukan Cilff pingsan di tengah salju di Rose Square. Dia memiliki sebuah gambar dalam tangannya. Setelah kamu menolongnya, kamu kembalikan gambar itu padanya. Kalau tidak kamu harus menyimpannya terus padahal tidak jelas gunanya.

Ketika memancing, lemparkan sampah yang kamu dapatkan ke dalam tempat sampah yang terdapat dalam town square. Kalau buang sampah sembarangan, kamu bisa dimarahi orang.

Bila pernah buang sampah sembarangan atau melakukan kesalahan lain (misalnya iri pada rumah orang lain), kamu bisa melakukan pengakuan dosa di gereja. Tapi efeknya pada permainan tidak jelas.

Bee Knees
Jika kamu menanam bunga, lebah-lebah akan muncul dan membangun sarang di pohon apelmu. Ambil madu dan berikan pada Louis. Dia akan mengonfirmasikan bahwa lebah ini adalah lebah spesial yang dia cari. Ini akan menambah harga yang kamu dapatkan dari penjualan madu.

Orange Cup
Bunga ini hanya bisa ditanam di dalam Green House/Rumah Kaca. Bila ditanam di luar, bunga ini tidak terlihat tapi bisa tumbuh. Sirami setiap hari dan bila sudah cukup besar, kamu tidak akan bisa melangkahi tempat itu biarpun bunganya tak terlihat. Kamu tinggal memetiknya, dan bunga itu akan terlihat di tanganmu.

Kotak Musik
Ada kotak musik tua yang terkubur kira-kira segaris dengan kandang anjing dan pohon. Gali keluar dengan hoe dan sering-sering bicara dengan Rick. Beberapa hari kemudian ia akan membetulkan kotak musik tua itu dengan gratis. Kamu bisa memberikannya kepada gadis yang kamu sukai.

Produk Kualitas Emas
Ternak yang menang dalam lomba akan menghasilkan Gold Milk, Gold Fur, dll tapi setiap tahun dari setiap jenis ternak hanya satu ekor yang bisa menang, bukan? Cara mengakalinya: Buat 2 memory car. Save sehari sebelum festival kemudian pindahkan semua hewan dari jenis yang akan dilombakan, misalnya kuda- kecuali satu ekor yang ingin dilombakan - ke game lain. Setelah menang, tukarkan hewan yang menang ke game yang tidak digunakan dan kembali ke sehari sebelum festival lagi. Ulangi langkah tadi sampai semua hewan menang dan kamu tinggal memindahkan kembali hewan-hewan yang menghasilkan produk kualitas Gold ke permainanmu semula.

Jembatan Rusak
Pada tahun ke-10, ada event amburknya jembatan . Kalau kamu berdiri di tengah jembatan sampai lama sekalli (sampai tiduran), kamu akan mengalaminya. Setelah sadarkan diri, Harris, istri dan anakmu ada disampingmu, mencemaskanmu. Beberapa hari kemudian Gotz memintamu membantu memperbaiki jembatan dengan upah 1000G per hari (5 hari) plus kayu sekitar 200 potong.

Susu Coklat
(Belum dikonfirmasi) Menikah dengan Karen sebelum tahun ketiga dan punya anak sbelum tahun ke-4. Kemudian ambil coklat yang kamu peroleh saat Thanksgiving dan campurkan dalam makanan sapi. Sapi-sapi akan menghasilkan susu coklat yang laku dijual seharga 2000G.

Memancing Terus
Kadang ada festival di dekat perairan, misalnya kembang api, lomba renang, cooking pot, dll. Setelah festival usai dan sudah malam, jangan pulang tapi pergilah memancing. Waktu tidak akan berjalan sehingga kamu bisa memancing sepuas-puasnya.

Batu Kecil
Ingat batu kecil yang kamu hancur-hancurkan di awal game Harvest Moon? Kalau kamu ingin main dari awal lagi, coba gunakan batu itu untuk membuat pagar. Bakalan awet.*
Hai, saya akan memberikan cara buat mempercantik blog kalian yaitu dengan cara memelihara hewan di blog. Itu lho yang ngasih makan hewan, tau kan?

Berikut script beberapa hewan yang saya ambil dari situs penyedianya untuk kalian copas ke sidebar kalian.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="" width="300" height="200"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></param><param name="scale" value="noscale"/><param name="salign" value="tl"/></object>


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="" width="300" height="225"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></param></object>

Tree Frog/Kodok

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="" width="300" height="200"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></param><param name="scale" value="noscale"/><param name="salign" value="tl"/></object>


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="" width="300" height="225"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></param><param name="bgcolor" value="FFFFFF"/></object>


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="" width="300" height="200"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></param><param name="scale" value="noscale"/><param name="salign" value="tl"/></object>

Saya hanya mengambil script hewan yang bisa diberi makan untuk selebihnya kalian bisa mengunjungi situs penyedianya
Untuk pemasangan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut
  1. Login  ke akun blogger kalian
  2. Pilih Rancangan >> Klik Elemen Laman >> Klik Tambah Widget/Gadget
  3. Kemudian pilih HTML/JavaScript
  4. Tentukan salah satu hewan peliharaan kalian, lalu copas code di bawah nama hewan ke kolom konten dan isi kolom judul dengan nama yang kalian inginkan. Kolom judul dikosongkan juga boleh.
  5. Terakhir klik Simpan/Save dan lihat

=== Intro ===

Everything up to the decision to look for a map should be straightforward.

=== Day 1 ===

Check on Yuka and you'll hear a sound as you go to leave. Check the dresser to find a key (bedroom).

Talk to Yuuta, who's looking at the painting in the 1F dining room. Follow him to the 1F southeast hall, then again to the 1F southwest hall.

Read the book in the study for a hint. (Seitaro is also there during the day, so ask him about anything you come across.)
Hint: "The middle of the world" refers to the paintings in the symmetrical rooms on the second floor.
Answer: Check the shelf in the right room and move it to find documents in the wall. Seitaro can read them for you.

Use the bedroom key on the middle door at the south end of 2F. Check the bed for a wire and the right shelf for a note.
Hint: The note gives you directions for a certain room, and Rin is correct that the circles refer to eyeballs. Where have you seen eyeballs that big?
Answer: Go to the room with the two fish tanks, start in front of the left one, and take 5 steps down, 2 right, etcetera; you'll end up on a tile on the right side. Check the floor there to find a newspaper article.

Use the wire to lift the latch on the Japanese room looked from the inside on 2F. Read the diary.

Check the pot in the upper Japanese room. Go to the 1F kitchen and check the cupboard for cooking chopsticks. Use them to pull a key (master's room) out of the pot.
Go down into the lower Japanese room and check the closet for an old piece of paper. Seitaro can read it for you.

After doing everything you can, Seitaro will talk to you in the hallway. After getting the lantern and lighter, go to Yuuta's room.

=== Night 1 ===

Use the lighter to open the 2F door with wax in the keyhole. Get the letter from the desk and read it.

Go to the piano room and check the left painting for a key (storeroom). Use it (the door is near the entrance on 1F) and get some firewood.

If you light the fireplace in Yuka's room: Yuka and Yuuta will die.
If you don't light the fireplace in Yuka's room: Yuka and Yuuta will live.
Note that you can basically delay lighting it for a fair while (that is, until just before the point where it starts making a difference).

Leave the main building and go to the old mansion. The door has a passcode.
Hint: The diary in the master's room says that he locked it "with that sorrowful year and month as the key."
Answer: 197208, from the date on the article.

Go up the middle stairs, and when you hear a noise, check out the window. Return to the swamp, then go to bed after the scene.

=== Day 2 ===

Check on Yuka. Wake up Seitaro.

Go to the old mansion and get the key (study) from the bath.

Unlock the study (west side of 1F). Push the table from outside up to the shelves to get the spring.

Return to the main building's storehouse for a mop. Use it to clean the sludge on the stairs. Go into the makeup room (west side of 2F) and read the writing on the mirror.
Answer: Find the clock on 1F and use the spring to start it. Set it to 8, as indicated by the mirror, for a bottle of liquid.

Read the diary in the nursery (west side of 1F). Go to the room with eight fish tanks (east side of 2F) and reach into the second from the bottom-right for a button.

Ask Seitaro in the study about the bottle. Use the bottle to melt the nails on the boarded-up door and get the planks. Use them to enter the door with the hole in front (west side of 2F).
Get the golf club from the bag and read the diary.

After the call, go back and check on Yuka.
If you lit the fireplace, Yuka dies. Yuuta will run off, eventually stabbing himself in the kitchen.
If you didn't light the fireplace, Yuuta will chase you and you have to destroy all the Ophelia paintings: first the six in the main building, then the one in the old mansion.

Go outside and left into the mountains. Keep walking. As Seitaro, do the same.
In the village, knock on the doors, then go left to the gravesite. Read the sign, and go left again to find Rin.

Jump in the swamp.

=== Night 2 ===

Get the knife. (Depending on the path, it's either in Yuuta's room or the kitchen.)

Go to the bedroom in the old mansion (east side of 2F) and cut open the left bed's pillow for a key.

Check the fireplace in the large hall (middle stairs) to find a passage down. To enter, you need three items:
Rope: In the dressing room (2F east hall), entered using the key from the pillow.
Picket: The fallen stone picket outside the old mansion.
Hammer: Toolbox in the master's room in the main building (bottom-left on 2F).

Get the map in the secret room below the fireplace.

=== Day 3 ===

Accept: Game over.
Refuse: Start running.

Go into the leftmost room on the second floor.
Dodge: Seitaro dies.
Don't dodge: Seitaro lives.
Run out of time: Game over.

Talk to Seitaro in the study, or check the gleaming book in the study to learn how to tell directions. Check the map in front of the swamp to find your way.

Open the closet in the old mansion maids' room (east side of 1F, with four beds) for the boiler room key.

Go into the boiler room outside the old mansion and get the engine key.

Use the engine key and button on the motorboat outside the old mansion to cross the swamp.
Hint: Check the map for a clue for what to do on the other side.
Answer: Check the ground to the right of the big brown rock.

=== Endings ===

Yuka, Yuuta, and Seitaro die: Yaobikuni
Only Yuka and Yuuta die: Forever Deep
Only Seitaro dies: Secrets
All survive: Underwater Dream

For Download

Walktrough Mermaid Swamp

Posted by Unknown
 = After the Intro =

Go into the Nursery and take Snowball. Go into the Bedroom (left of the Nursery) and leave, then come back in to get the Archives Key.

Go west across the Entrance Hall to the 2F West Passage. Go into the Archives and look through the shelves for the Code Memo. Make sure to read The Flame Egg.

Use the note's hints to figure out the code for the safe in the Bedroom [7482], then open it for the Lamp and Mom's Perfume.

In the Reception Room (accessed through left door in Entrance Hall), push the stool over to the top-left dresser and stand on it to get the Cutting Knife.

Go to the Bathroom (left of the Reception Room) and get the Cafeteria Key. Open the taped box with the Cutting Knife to get the Empty Lighter.

Go to the Kitchen (through center door in the Entrance Hall). Get the Oil on the counter.

With the Lamp from the safe, go into the door under the Kitchen rug. Send Snowball into the hole in Outside Storehouse to get the Lighter Oil. Fill the Empty Lighter with it.

Go into the door on the right of the Entrance Hall to reach the basement stairs. Burn the monster with the Lighter and Oil.

= B1F =

Get the Wood Bucket and the Eyeball Bottle in the Taxidermy Room.

[NOTE: You need to check on Maria after the cutscene in the Laboratory twice for an item important to getting the true ending. Make sure to find out where to use it before the ending.]

Proceed to a dead end. Get the Ladder in the Open Room.

Return to 2F and go all the way right to the Attic. Use the Ladder to get up, then push the movable pot off the edge to break it open and get the Mini Chainsaw.

Backtrack to the Open Room and use the chainsaw to smash the barrels in the way.

When you find the crying girl in the cell, make sure to (attempt to) show her the Eyeball Bottle.

Go to the Reception Room on 1F. Check the painting and move it aside. In the Courtyard, use the Wood Bucket at the water and carry it to put out the fire in the Reception Room. Drop the Eyeball Bottle down the hole in the fireplace.

Return to the cell and let the girl come out, then pull the lever inside the cell to open the door.

After finding that the corridor loops, go left and talk to the woman to get her to follow you. Once she's gone, the corridor will no longer loop.

= B2F =

Go where the old man points: right through the wall. Chainsaw the wooden crate in the B2F Laboratory to get the Forceps.

Go to the Toilet (bottom-right room from B2F Passage). Use the Forceps to get the Rusty Key out of the toilet and wash it in the bucket. Use it to open the door in B2F Passage.

On your second visit to the Cafeteria, cut down the hunk of ham with the chainsaw. Fry the Raw Ham and give it to the boy to get a Napkin.

In the Trick Room, make the two sides match by:
1) Flipping the painting on the right turnways.
2) Taking the spear from the soldier on the right and giving it to the armor.
3) Pushing the armor on the right left a space.
4) Taking half the flowers (AKA the Bouquet) from the left vase and putting them in the right.
5) Moving the king from the upper room into position, then decapitating him with the chainsaw.

In the first diary room, simply push the baby toward the mother.
In the second diary room, pick up the two animals, putting each in the dresser, and push the mother out the door.
In the third diary room, pick up the Kitchen Knife from the counter, give it to the boy, and wipe the mother's face with the Napkin.
In the fourth diary room, decapitate the girl with the chainsaw.

= B3F =

In the hallway of rats, grab the Door Key in the middle and retreat. (You can't force your way all the way through.)

Go into the room on the right, smash the barrels, and push the shelf left to find a crack in the wall. Chainsaw it to get back Mom's Perfume. Apply it to get past the rats.

In the Guest Rooms, reopen the fourth door from the left after it closes. Run away from the zombie into that room. Sleep on the bed to make it move. Bait the zombie into the fifth room and pull the pot back as you retreat.
Lastly, run out and close the door to the fifth room (try to walk through and it'll do it automatically) to trap the zombie.

Try to go through the door in B3F Hall, then take the Creepy Doll. Go back to B3F Passage to find a new path.

= Tunnels =

Pull the Scalpel out of Coron in the Incinerator Room and try to open the door.

When you reach the zombie patrolling, go up the ladder when it's looking away. Pull the plank and push a sandbag on it to weigh it down. Chainsaw the chandelier when the zombie is underneath.

Get the Hammer in the area with the mad dog. Go to the Cultivation Room and solve the tile puzzle to open the door. Use the Hammer to smash the cracked pot to get the Earplugs.

Don't uproot the mandrake in the Cultivation Room, but do take it with you. In the Dead End, place it in the little niche in the rocks to kill (?) the dog and not you. Use the Scalpel on the dog to get the Incinerator Key.

Go back to the Incinerator Room, open the door, and throw the Creepy Doll into the fires of Mt. Drevis. Return to the door it was guarding on B3F.

= Endgame =

Choosing to "Grant mom's wish" leads to a bad ending.

Choosing to "Save father" leads to the potential true ending.
If you haven't read Maria's backstory in her room, you're forced onto another bad ending.
If you have, you get the option to help her. Check on her after she's attacked, get the Bandage from the shelves, and use it on her.

Collecting all 21 gems gets you an extra scene after the true ending, after which the Gallery is unlocked.

For Download

Walktrough Mad Father

Posted by Unknown
Minggu, 03 November 2013

= Misao's Brain =

Go to Class 2-A (2F) and free Sohta from the locker.

Examine the locker Sohta was in to find a Locker Key.

Go to the 1F Staff Room and use the key to open the lockers there.

= Misao's Head =

Go through the scene with Yoshino in the 1F Science Lab. You'll end up covered in blood.

Get the Bat from the locker in the 1F Hall.

Go outside from 1F to the Abyss and go down the well.

Smash the boulders with the Bat, but be careful...

There are secret hiding spots in the sides of the hallway. After smashing the third boulder, run back and hide in them.

Step into the water to wash off the blood. The way will then open.

= Misao's Eyes =

Get the Lilies from the 2F Library.

Examine the blackboard in the 1F Hall for a hint on what to do with the Lilies.

Go to Class 2-A (2F), 2-B (2F), and 3-C (3F) and check the corresponding desks (marked A, B, and C) to find vases. Put Lilies in each.

After all the spots have been adorned, go to the Rooftop from 3F.

= Misao's Arms =

After freeing Sohta from the Class 2-A (2F) locker, go to the 1F Infirmary.

Go to the 1F Staff Room and look for the tranquilizer as instructed, then return to the 1F Infirmary.

= Misao's Legs =

Get the Bat from the locker in the 1F Hall.

Go to the 3F Principal's Office and smash the vase with the Bat for the Emergency Exit Key.

Go to the right 2F hallway and use the key in the room ahead.

After the scene, go to the 1F Boys' Bathroom and open the car door.

= Misao's Heart =

Go into the Girls' Bathroom and knock on the far-right door three times.

Flush the toilet in the stall that opens, then get around Hanako to get Coins from the other toilet.

(If you're having trouble with Hanako, try luring her to one side, wait for her "dash," and then run past on the other side.)

Use the Coins in the 1F Hall vending machine to get Pocari Sweat.

Go into the 1F Boys' Bathroom to see a scene with Saotome and Tohma.

Find Tohma in Class 3-C (3F). Take him to the 2F Library.

Give Tohma the Pocari Sweat to get the Small Key.

Check the lower machine in the 1F Science Lab to release the mandrake from the capsule.

Read the note on the table about salt mandrakes.

Get Salt from the mandrake. Guide it past the telephone to make it faint from fright.

Place Salt on the floor in the left 2F hallway to stop the looping.

In the 2F Music Room, sit in the chair and listen.

Use the Small Key to open the chest for the Boot Disc.

Use the Boot Disc on the upper machine in the 1F Science Lab. There's a hint for the password nearby.

The first password is 78450.

Go around the capsules and input another password on the terminal there.

The second password is 31269.

= Ending =

Once you have all the parts, go to the Altar outside, place the parts, and inspect the lantern at the top.

Return to Onigawara to find out the last thing you need to do.

Make your choice, use the Bat, then return to the Altar.

= Truth =

The true ending is rather straightforward, so I don't think a walkthrough is necessary.

The secret password it asks for at the end can be learned by talking to Onigawara and choosing the invisible third option.

If you don't want to go back to find it, it's ABANDONHOPE in all caps.

Walktrough Misao

Posted by Unknown

= Day One =

Look around the house. (All that's really needed is to go into the guest room (2F center, left door).)

A phone will ring while in the entry hall. Go to the dining room (1F east, right door) to answer it.

Go to the bathroom (1F center, right door) to take a shower.

Try to go upstairs, and get the key from the coat rack when it falls over.

Go to the guest room (2F center, left door) and sleep in the bed.

= Night One =

Go to the kitchen (1F east, left door) and use the sink.

Go back upstairs. When you head for the west side of 2F, the right door in the center area will open by itself.

Go into the study (2F center, right door). Check the stain on the floor, and check the far-right bookshelf for a note.

Leave and try to return to the guest room.

HIDING PLACE 1: Dresser on the right side of the bathroom (1F center, right door).

= Day Two =

Go to the safe in the living room (1F west, top doors) and enter the code ("saeki" or "Saeki") for a key.

Use one of your keys to open the dressing room (2F west, bottom-left door). Check the dresser drawer for a note.

Go downstairs and answer the phone in the dining room (1F east, right door).

Go to the garden (1F east, right exit). Check the flowers at the bottom and dig them out for a key.

Use one of your keys to open the storehouse (2F west, top-left door). Check the shelves on the left for a key.

Use one of your keys to open auntie's room (2F east, lower-left door) and look around.

Answer the door.

= Night Two =

Answer the phone in the dining room (1F east, right door).

HIDING PLACE 2: The dresser on the left side of the dressing room (2F west, bottom-left door).

= Day Three =

Use the remaining key to open the uncle's room (2F east, lower-right door). Check the empty bookshelves (a specific tile) for a note.

Go to the dressing room (2F west, bottom-left door) and check the pink dress for a key.

Use the key to open the piano room (1F west, bottom door). Play the piano for a key.

Answer the door.

= Night Three =

Go to the east side of 2F.

Go to the piano room (1F west, bottom door) and check the piano.

HIDING PLACE 3: The dresser in the lower-left of the uncle's room (2F east, lower-right door).

= Day Four =

Go to the phone in the dining room (1F east, right door) and call mom.

Use the key to open the nursery (2F west, bottom-right door). Check the trash can for a note.

Go to the uncle's room (2F east, lower-right door). Turn on the lamp, turn off this lightswitch, and check the lamp for a key.

Use the key to open the bedroom (2F west, upper-right door). Check the left nightstand for a note.

Go to the garden (1F east, right exit) and check the well for a key.

Check the upper wall. Keep moving.
If you want to make saves, make them at the END of each area, not the beginning.
The monster stops when the menu is open, but the timer for it changing areas will still run.
And of course, use a separate save slot to be safe.

Look around the house, then go to bed.

= Night Four =

Try to leave the house.

HIDING PLACE 4: The sliding closet on the right side of the traditional Japanese room (1F east, bottom door).

= Day Five =

Use the key to unlock the door by the stairs to the basement.

Check the dresser outside the bathroom on 2F for a flashlight and go back downstairs.

Check the upper-right corner of the stuffed animal room for a code.

Use the code (2436) on the computer in auntie's room (2F east, lower-left door).

You should save before answering the door.

= It's Just A Delusion =

Answer the phone in the dining room (1F east, right door).

Go to the study (2F center, right door).

= There's Really A Monster =

Answer the phone in the dining room (1F east, right door).

Go to the study (2F center, right door).


HIDING PLACE 5: Head to the basement.

Walktrough Paranoiac

Posted by Unknown

= Prologue =

Get Paul's license from the table. Try to go outside. Answer the phone, then go to bed.
Go outside and knock on 201 (at the end of the hall).
Go back to David's room and try to sleep.
Go to the bathroom and check the washbasin. Check under the bed.

Answer the phone. Go outside and talk to Paul.
At the hospital, go to David's mom's room on the far end. Talk to the doctor afterward.

Back in David's room, go to the computer room and check the desk drawers.
Answer the phone. Try to go to bed, then check the TV, then the sink. Go to bed.
Check outside, then go back in.

Talk to the landlady in the far-left room on the first floor.
Back in David's room, check the crack with footprints leading up to it.
Go to bed. Check the closet in the computer room. Go back to the living room.

= Scene 1: Hotel Ruhenheim =

Go to 203 (2F west hall) and examine the broken mirror for a notebook scrap.
Check the dresser in 105 (1F west hall). Go to the cafeteria (top-right door in the lobby) and check under the top-right table for the gold key.

Use the gold key to open the library (2F west hall). Get the key to 109 there.
Go to 109 (1F east hall) and push the top-right chair to get the wire cutters on top of the dresser.
When you hear the piano, go to the rec room (top-left door in the lobby) and meet Sissi.

Use the wire cutters to open the door behind the counter to the staff room. Check the journal for the key to 107, as well as the door to the owner's room.
Go to 107 (1F west hall) and into the bathroom. Get the doorknob. Go back to the staff room and attach it.

Read the board in the owner's room, and stomp on the off-color tile to open the basement door.
Go down, use the lighter (from the items screen), and...

Go to the 2F west hall and into 203 for a scene.
Return to the owner's room and into the basement (again, use the lighter) for the bronze key.

Go to the bar (2F east hall) and read the journal.
Check the S to T shelf in the library to find the Jekyll and Hyde book. (You must have read the journal, because... uh...)
When the Crooked Man appears... Check the hole to push him in.

Go to the passcode-locked door and input the code.
Hint: It relates to Jekyll and Hyde, but you can ignore the actual text. There was a note that mentioned missing chapters...
Answer: 3679.

Check the shining object in the food storage, then use the ladder to get the key to 210. Check the ashes in 210 (2F east hall) for a notebook scrap.

Go into the bar and examine the red stuff on the floor. When the Crooked Man appears...
Hint: Smashing the brandy on him won't work, but it's halfway there.
Answer: Smash the brandy on him, then use the lighter.

Return to the food storage to get the knife.
Follow the blood to 113 and get the somewhere key.
Use it to go to the courtyard (only remaining door in the lobby). Get the box from the fountain.

Return to 113, then go to the rec room.
Defeat the Crooked Man with 15 hits of the knife (swing with Z). Try to hit him then back away, and watch out for his periodic "charges."

In the following scene, choose "Don't cry" to get Bad End 1.
Choose "What's wrong with..." to proceed onward.

= Scene 2: Julius Stone Law School =

Go upstairs to see a shadow.
Go to Leftie's room (2F east hall) and take a screwdriver and hammer from the toolbox.
Go to Ray's room (3F east hall) and read the book about binary.
Go to Franz's room (3F east hall) and read the diary.
Go to Cyndi's room (3F middle area) and read the diary.
Go to John's room (3F west hall) and get the key to the room, and read the notebook.

Go to the faculty room (1F east hall) and get the infirmary key.
Go to the infirmary (1F west hall) and get the parlor key from the cabinets.
Go to the parlor (2F west hall) and look at the wire art.

Go to Ray's room (3F east hall) and open the security box for the reference room key.
Hint: Translate Ray's wire art from binary to decimal numbers.
Answer: 2515.

Try going downstairs to meet D.
Go to the reference room (2F middle area) and read the book. Check the portrait. Use the screwdriver to find a code.
Return to Leftie's room (2F east hall) and take the crowbar and hammer.

Go to John's room (3F west hall) and open the security box for the lecture hallway key.
Hint: His diary mentions surpassing the "father of our law," thus...
Answer: 1647.

When the Crooked Man appears...
You got the key to John's room, so lock the door behind you.

Go to the lecture hallway (down in 1F) and enter the far-right room to find D. Read the, um... newspaper on the bulletin board.
Go upstairs to find a notebook scrap on the ground.

Go to Cyndi's room (3F middle area) and open the security box for the lecture rooms key.
Hint: She uses her birthday, which is...
Answer: 0619.

Go to the locked lecture room in the hallway. Read the note on the blackboard and get the notebook scrap.
Go to the infirmary (1F west hall) to finally get some rest.

Go to the reference room (2F middle area) and look through the crimonology shelves for a code. You must have first read the note about the seminar and Criminal Behavior.
Go to Franz's room (3F east hall) and open the security box for the computer room key. Answer: 9981.

Go to the computer room (2F west hall) and read the paper in the trash.
Go unlock Andrew's room (3F west hall) and read the diary.
Hint: Franz's diary mentioned Andrew's practices.
Answer: 144246.

Go to the basement and into the unlocked room.
Move the bookshelf aside. You can break the wall immediately with the hammer, or if you don't have it, with three attempts of the iron pipe. Open the elevator with the crowbar.

Go to the auditorium (second floor on the lecture side).
Choose "That's life" to proceed onward.
Choose "You shouldn't give up" to get Bad End 2.

Fight the Crooked Man; he takes 20 hits. Also, the energy drink can be used as a healing item.
There are several cheap methods for the desperate.
1. If you get him on the top side of a desk and you on the bottom, you can safely hit him from across the desk. (The opposite won't work.)
2. If you pause the game, you can still attack by pressing Z. Pause when he's in front of you, highlight an unusable item, attack 20 times, and when you unpause, he'll die. Be careful not to go over or he'll become unbeatable.
3. Lastly, you can leave the room and come back in to always get him in the same position for easy attacking. Probably the easiest and cheapest.

= Scene 3: Central Hospital =

Go to the nurse station (behind the counter) and solve the puzzle on the wall to get the cafeteria key and elevator trunk key.
Quickest solution: Click the middle square and all four corners.

Go to the cafeteria (center of 2F). Check the fallen can for a piece of wire.
Go into the room with blood outside on 2F (205) and read the bloody message on the left bed.
Go to the dayroom (center of 3F) and read the book.

When you hear a cat on the third floor, inspect 309, the room to the left. Get the bloody key from the cat. (You must have read the message in 205.)
Go to room 413 (4F, puddle of vomit outside) to find a notebook scrap.
Go into the elevator on 4F and open the trunk for an AED.

Go to 3F and into the dayroom to meet Fluffy.
Return to the nurse station (behind the counter in 1F) and use the wire to open the locker for a note with a number.
Use the AED in your inventory to take out the battery. Use it on the door to the outpatient clinic (down in 1F) and enter the code. Answer: 4489.

Go to the staff room (clinic 1F) for the counseling room key.
Go to the director's room (clinic 1F) and read the diary for a hint paper. Use it to get, well, hints. Check the vase for the Y piece.
Go to the pediatrics room (clinic 2F) to find Fluffy.
Check the phone on the third floor of the clinic for the F piece.
Go to the maternity and gynecology room (clinic 3F) and check the shelves for a small key.
Get the notebook scrap on clinic 4F.

Go to the counseling room (center of hospital 4F) and read the diary for the psychiatry key.
Go to the psychiatry room (clinic 4F). Read the diary and the note on the board.
Check the bed in the middle treatment room of 2F, the trashcan in the top room of 3F, and the board in the bottom room of 4F. You get the numbers 7, 1, and 6.

Go to the women's bathroom on 3F and check the sink for the A piece.
Check the wall in the women's bathroom, then go get the hammer from the staff room (clinic 1F) to use it on the wall. Find Fluffy in the stall.

Go to the cafeteria (center of hospital 2F) and check the teacup for the L piece.
Go to the nurse station (behind the counter in 1F) and check the box for the I piece.
Go to the hallway of treatment rooms on clinic 3F to find an entrance to the emergency stairs. Enter the code.
Hint: It's related to the note in the psychiatry room.
Answer: 716. Also, you must have actually found all three numbers.

Go up to the door to the roof and examine the wire on the door.
Go to the staff room (clinic 1F) and unlock the cabinet for the medicine room key.
Go to the medicine room (clinic basement). Read the diary and check the shelves to find a bottle of hydrogen bromide.
Return to the door to the rooftop and use the HBr to melt the wire.
Climb the ladder on the roof and get the M piece.

Check the maternity and gynecology room on the third floor.
Go to the fourth floor to find Fluffy. Quickly use the fire extinguisher to the left.

Go to the director's room (clinic 1F) and solve the puzzle for the safe key.
Hint: Check the director's diary. And what does he mention right after that hint?
Answer: FAMILY.

Open the safe for a revolver and pistol ammo.
Go to the rooftop. 10 shots. Suffice to say, don't shoot Fluffy.

Try to leave out the entrance door on the hospital side.
Go to the clinic basement and into the other room.

= Scene 4: Central Hospital (Part Two) =

Go to the fourth floor.
Go to the clinic side.
Go to the rooftop.

Choose "Persuade" to get Bad End 3.
Choose "Take the gun" to get Bad End 4.
Choose "Punch" to proceed onward.

= Final Scene =

Use the bloody key.
Investigate all the rooms for notebook scraps and the notebook itself.
Go to the guest room in the top-left.

Open the door to the attic.


Posted by Unknown

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